
What you should know about copyright on plans from The Floor Plan Store.

All of our plans are considered copyrighted and have limited use.

They are intended to be used by you personally or in your business at the local level and we give you permission to use them this way, to make prints for local permitting and building.The Floor Plan Store #H261 Rendering

Please read the following

What can you do with the plans that you purchase from The Floor Plan Store on the internet or on one of our CDs or DVDs.

  1. You can print and build from any of the plans that you purchase from us.
  2. You may use them directly with clients that you are working with in your local business.
  3. You may modify the plans that you have purchased to meet your local needs.
  4. You may charge your clients a service fee for using the plans in your business only if you are building the structure for them or working at making changes to the plans for them.
  5. You may sell your original CD or DVD at fair market value as long as no physical or digital copy of the plans are kept by you.

You can not do the following with the plans from The Floor Plan Store.

  1. You can not resell the plans online in any format.
  2. You can not use the graphics or plans online.
  3. You can not sell the printed plans online
  4. You can not copy the DVDs or CDs and sell them online or offline.
  5. You can not break up the plans or plan packages and sell them online as individual products.

Thank you

One of the reasons we at The Floor Plan Store can offer plans at such a reasonable rate is because we hope people will honor the copyright rules and regulations.

All graphics and plans offered on this website are copyright Specialized Design Systems and are all original works created by us or our workers


Penalties for violating a copyright can be very large. The responsible parties are required to pay actual damages. The copyright law also allows for the recovery of statutory damages, which may be as high as $150,000.00 for each infringement. Legal fees can also be added to the charges.

Thank you for your interest in The Floor Plan Store!